Never be surprised by your utility bill again.
Offered in all deregulated States, our price protection plans provide peace of mind and price predictability. We partner with Constellation Energy, a leading competitive energy provider, to provide premium products to our clients at predictable rates and terms. You pay the same fixed price per kilowatt-hour each month, even if market prices rise. You determine what your bill looks like each month with your usage. No surprises. Just simple certainty.
Enjoy the security of terms from 12 to 60 months.
Protect yourself from market exposure.
Offered in all deregulated markets, our natural gas protection plans can be custom tailored for 6 to 24-month term agreements. We partner with Constellation Energy, a leading competitive energy provider, to protect our clients with premium natural gas services. You pay the same fixed price month after month for the term of your agreement.
You’ll find consistency and peace of mind with a fixed-rate natural gas agreement.